Ikonutstilling i Galleri Britannia
Fredrikstad 13. desember – 25. januar

Søndag 13. desember åpner en utstilling med ikoner av Sven Aasmundtveit og Fader Alexander Shabelnik i Galleri Brittannia i Fredrikstad (vis a vis gml drosjetråkka). Selve åpningen vil skje kl 13.00 på søndagen. Alle ikonene vil være for salg.

Fader Alexander Shabelnik er ortodoks prest og leder for Hl. Forklarelseskirken i Riga (Latvia). Han har malt ikoner siden sin omvendelse i 1980-årene, og underviser i ikonmaling ved siden av sin prestegjerning. Han er representert i kirker rundt om i Latvia, Tyskland, Italia, Hellas, USA og Russland, foruten i private sammenhenger. Han har hatt utstillinger i Latvia, Sverige og Sardinia. Det er en begivenhet at han nå stiller ut noen av sine ikoner i Fredrikstad.

Sven Aasmundtveit er pastor i Den Evangelisk Lutherske Frikirke og har malt ikoner siden 2011. Han har først og fremst gått i lære hos sin svigermor, Hæge Aasmundtveit, som er en svært erfaren og anerkjent ikonmaler i Norge. Han har også fått opplæring hos Fader Alexander ved Latvian Christian Academy i Riga. De fleste av ikonene ved denne utstillingen vil være fra hans hånd.

Disse ikonene er malt i russisk ortodoks stil og etter gammel tradisjon både når det gjelder motiver, form og teknikk. Ikonene er forkynnelse av Guds ord i bilder, gjennom form, farge og skjønnhet. Sentrale temaer er Jesus Kristus, Maria – Guds Mor, andre helgener og hendelser fra Bibelen.

Ikonene er forstått som ”lysende” bilder, ofte med gull, som skal reflektere den himmelske virkeligheten. De blir ofte kalt for vinduer til den guddommelige verden.
Den guddommelige liturgi ble feiret i Fredrikstad 6. desember 2015
30 personer deltok. Hierodiakon Agathangelos som er munk på Selje deltok i liturgien. En person ble lagt til menigheten. Etter liturgien var det kirkekaffe hvor vi delte det folk hadde tatt med.  Neste gang i Fredrikstad blir juleliturgi torsdag 7. januar. 
Søndag 20. desember er det liturgi i Oslo.

40 personer deltok på liturgi i Trysil kirke 21. november.
Bildet er tatt av Maria som hadde tatt veien fra Falun

Erkebiskop Job tok avskjed med katedralen 4. desember

Erkebiskop Job om forberedelsen til det store og hellige konsil i 2016

Klosteret i Rättvik innviet

Pastoral message from the locum-tenens, 
his Eminence John, bishop of Charioupolis.

To the Reverent fathers, deans, clergy, priests and deacons, monks and nuns, the Council of the Archdiocese, the church institutions, the St Sergius Institute, to members of the laity with responsibilities, the faithful and friends of the Exarchate of Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Beloved reverend fathers, brothers and sisters,
We were surprised by the decision of the Holy Synod on 28 November 2015 changing the structure of the hierarchy of the Exarchate.

Together with you, I express my friendship and respect for his Eminence Archbishop Job for the months I have served with him. The Patriarchate has entrusted him with a new mission and we support him in friendship and prayer in this new responsibility.

His Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has appointed me as 'locum-tenens'. I am conscious of the heavy burden which falls to me now. I also humbly ask you to support me in your holy prayers that I may be of service to you all.

I ask you, beloved brothers and sisters to preserve the spirit of our Exarchate, to be responsible for your words and actions, that together we may preserve our unity, peace and harmony in the spirit of Christ our Saviour.

Let us assume together, and in peace, the responsibilty for the pastoral life of our communities, each with their own characteristics and languages.

May our parishes, monasteries and institutions each continue with their mission, which is : to bear witness to the Orthodox faith in the spirit of the Gospel and in service to our brethren. Together with the Archdiocesan Council, we now await and will inform you of the precise instructions for what is to happen next.

May the love and peace of Christ unite us all around the Altar at a time when the Church demands faithfulness and trust.

+John of Charioupolis, Patriarchal Vicar and Locum-tenens.
Den guddommelige liturgi feires i Fredrikstad 
søndag 6. desember kl 11
Kameratklubben, Frydenberggt 14

27. søndag etter Pinse

Etterfest Jomfru Marias innføring i tempelet

Heb 9, 1-7
Lk 10,38-42 + 11,27-28
Locus tenens biskop Johannes og erkebiskop Job

Kommuniké fra Den hellige Synode:

I henhold til vedtak av Den hellige synode i Det økumeniske patriarkatet, 28. november 2015, har Hans Eminense erkebiskop Job av Telmessos blitt utpekt til representant for Det økumeniske patriarkatet i Kirkenes Verdensråd i Geneve, samtidig med sin lærerstilling ved Institutt for Post-Graduate studier i Det ortodokse senter for Det økumeniske patriarkatet i Chambésy-Genève, og derfor fristilt fra sine funksjoner i Det patriarkalske eksakatet av ortodokse menigheter av russisk tradisjon i Vest-Europa.

Hans Eksellense biskop Johannes av Charioupolis har blitt utpekt locus tenens av eksarkatet for å administrere aktuelle saker i eksarkatet.

Fra denne dagen, skal Hans Eksellense biskop Johannes av Charioupolis bli nevnt på alle liturgiske feiringer i alle menigheter av eksarkatet.

Erkebiskop Jobs avskjedshilsen:

To the Reverend clergy, the monastics and all the faithful of the Exarchate of Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Reverend Fathers, Brothers and Sisters,

Two years ago, I was elected at the head of the Exarchate of Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe of the Ecumenical Patriarchate by the decision of the Holy Synod that confirmed the proposal of the General Assembly of the Exarchate.

We have lived two years together, praying and celebrating the Divines Mysteries. During that period, I have visited a large number of parishes and monasteries of the Exarchate, and met many of you. My only pastoral concern was to do everything necessary for the good of the Church and the salvation of the souls of the spiritual frock that has been entrusted to me, according to the will of God and not according human concerns. Together we have shared pleasant moments, and sometimes difficult moments as well, but over all I keep an excellent memory and bear you all in my heart in prayer.

Today, the Mother Church, the Holy and Great Church of Christ, by the decision of the Holy Synod taken last November 28, is giving me a new mission : to be the representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the World Council of Churches in Geneva. For this reason, I have to leave you now.

From this moment, the see of the Exarchate has been proclaimed vacant by the synodal decision, and its current administration has been given to His Excellency Bishop John of Charioupolis, whom you know well, as its locum tenens.

I leave you with confidence in good hands and I appeal you once again, as I have done right after my election, and at many occasions since then, to be united around your bishop and accomplish in obedience the will of the Lord expressed in His prayer : « Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one » (John 17:11).

I ask you to welcome well Bishop John in his new function and to have towards him the greatest respect and kindliness. I am also instructing you that since now the name of Bishop John of Charioupolis should be commemorated at all the Divine Services after the name of the Patriarch in every parish and monastery of the Exarchate.

May the grace and peace of the Lord be always with all of you.

Paris, November 30, 2015

+ Job, Archbishop of Telmessos