Archbishop Job (Getcha) of Telmessos replaced another hierarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Metropolitan of Pergamon John (Zizioulas) in the post of co-chairman of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.

Addressing Archbishop of Job at the meeting with a delegation of Constantinople held at the Vatican on June 28, Pope Francis greeted him on a new appointment. It was reported by Blahovest-info citing the Vatican’s press service.

Metropolitan John (Ziziulas) was born in 1931 in Greece. This is one of the most famous contemporary Orthodox theologians. He headed the commission since 2006, when its meeting was held in Belgrade after a long break. Previous meetings took place in 2000 in Emmitsburg (USA) and were dedicated to uniatism.

Archbishop Job (Getcha) was born on December 31, 1974 in Montreal into an ethnic Ukrainian family - natives of Galicia. He was a parishioner of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (in 1990 it was accepted in the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople).

In 1996 he was ordained as hierodeacon, in 1998 he moved to France, where he was tonsured into the mantle by

Archimandrite Placide (Deseille). In 2003, he moved to Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe following the Russian tradition and was ordained hieromonk by Gabriel (de Vylder) of Komana.

He defended his doctoral thesis at St. Sergius Institute. He took part in the work of a number of committees. He was a lecturer at universities.

In 2004, he was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite.

In 2013, he was elected chairman of the Western European Patriarchate. The episcopal ordination of Archimandrite Job was performed on 30 November of the same year by Patriarch Bartholomew in St. George's Cathedral in the Phanar (Istanbul).

On November 29, 2015 he was transferred to the post of representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the World Council of Churches in Geneva.

Archbishop Job is well familiar to those who followed the progress of the Cathedral of the Orthodox Churches in Crete. He was one of the main speakers at the daily press briefings.