Vår nyvalgte erkebiskop f. Job skal bispevigsles i Konstantinopel 30. november. Intronisasjonen som Exark i Paris vil skje 5.-6. desember
Archimandrite Job
Civil status
Name at birht: Ihor Wladimir GETCHA
Born in Montreal (Canada), 31 January 1974
Nationality : Canadian
General and theological education
1985-1990 Secondary school certificate (DES). Collège Français, Montreal (Canada).
1990-1992 College certificate (DEC). Collège Français, Montreal (Canada).
1992-1996 Bachelor of Arts, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, (Canada).
1992-1996 Bachelor of Theology, Saint Andrew’s College, Winnipeg (Canada).
1996-1998 Masters in Orthodox Theology. St Serge Orthodox Theological Institute,
1998-2003 Doctorate in Orthodox theology, St Serge Orthodox Theological Institute,
Paris. (joint doctorate)
1998-2003 Doctorate in theology, Institut Catholique, Paris. (joint doctorate)
2012 Qualification as director of research. Department of Theology, University of
Lorraine, Plateforme de Metz
Journey in Orthodoxy : Orthodox by birth.
Baptised 27 April 1974 at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sophia,
Montreal (Canada).
Date and place of ordinations
28 September 1996 Tonsured riassophore monk by Metropolitan Basil of Winnipeg
(Ecumenical Patriarchate) at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sophia,
Montreal (Canada).
29 September 1996 Ordonned deacon by by Metropolitan Basil of Winnipeg
(Ecumenical Patriarchate) at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sophia,
Montreal (Canada).
27 May 1998 Tonsured monk of the small habit by Archimandrite Placide (Deseille)
at the Monastery of St Anthony the Great, Saint-Laurent-en-Royans (France).
20 June 2003 Ordained priest by Archbishop Gabriel of Comana at the Church of St
Serge, Paris.
Present ecclesiastical position : Priest in the Exarchate.
Pastoral experience
1983-1992 Acolyte, Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sophia, Montreal
1992-1996 Subdeacon of Metropolitan Basil of Winnipeg (Canada).
1996-1998 Deacon at the Church of St Serge, Paris.
1998-2003 Deacon at the Cathedral of St Alexander Nevsky, Paris.
2003-2008 Priest at the Church of St Serge, Paris.
2004-2008 Member of the Archepiscopal Council.
2009-2011 In the service of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.
Since December 2011: Priest at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Chalette/Montargis.
Secular occupations
2001-2009 Lecturer in liturgy and church history, St Sergius Orthodox Theological
Institute, Paris, France.
2003 to date: Lecturer at the Institut Catholique, Paris, France. (Lecturing at the
Higher Liturgical Institute, the Higher Institute of Ecumenical Studies, and doctoral
2004-2005 Director of studies at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Faculty of
2005-2007 Dean of the St Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute.
2009 to date: Lecturer in liturgical and dogmatic theology at the Institute for Higher
Studies in the Orthodox Centre of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Chambésy-Geneva,
2009-2010 Visiting lecturer at the Peter Mohila University, Kiev (Ukraine), Faculty
of Law (course in the Canon Law of the Orthodox Church).
Since 2012 Visiting lecturer, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Faculty of
Modern languages spoken
French, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek