Fr. Theodor, Hanne og Simon |
Tor Vegard Svane ble ordinert diakon 1. juni av erkebiskop Job i De tre hierarkers kapell ved St. Vladimir teologiske seminar i New York hvor han har studert de siste årene. Han skal tjenestegjøre et år i en menighet Sør Carolina før han forhåpentligvis vender tilbake til Norge med familien for å starte opp en menighet. Han håper på å bli presteviet ved juletider.
Deacon Theodor Svane, Bergen, Norway
Student status Third Year, Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe, Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarch
Ordination Holy Diaconate, June 1, 2014, Three Hierarchs Chapel at St. Vladimir's Seminary, by Archbishop Job of Telmessos, with chapel clergy assisting
Educational and Professional Background Bachelor of Civil Engineering: Bergen University College, Norway; Bachelor of Christian Studies: NLA University College, Norway; Master of Christian Studies: NLA University College, Norway; Work experience as Consulting Civil Engineer in Norway
Biographical note Before coming to the U.S. and St. Vladimir's, Dn. Theodor worked for several years as a Consulting Civil Engineer in a major consulting firm in Bergen Norway. He has been married to Hanne Louise for 11 years this June and together they have one son, Simon Johan. They plan to go back to Norway to do missionary work after finishing their stay in the U.S.