XIXth General Assembly, 7-12 August 2014 - Neamt, Romania
The World Fellowship
Of Orthodox Youth
To Syndesmos Member Movements,
care of the respective Regional Representatives
Esteemed Representatives of Syndesmos Member Movements,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In the joyful time of the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord, World Day of Orthodox Youth, we are honoured to invite you to the XIXth General Assembly of Syndesmos – the World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth, which will be held in Neamt, Romania, under the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Teofan of Moldova, from 7th to 12th August 2014, with the following agenda:
-Administrative Reports (General Secretariat, Board of Administration, Audit Committee)
-Discharge of the outgoing Board and election of a new Board and a new Audit Committee
-Policy guidelines for the next term
Each M ember Movement is kindly requested to send one official Delegate to the Assembly.
We would be grateful to receive, until 6th April 2014, the name and data of the Delegate who will be in charge of the representation of your Movement.
Further information about the programme and the accommodation will be sent to the Delegates upon reception of their data.
Wishing you God’s blessing and a fruitful year 2014,
Rev. Christophe D’Aloisio,